Predawn Lullaby (Return to Repose)
28 March, 2007
Early morning rain
Whispers through my windowpane,
"Just go back to sleep."
This haiku can actually be sung as a lullaby. (4/4 timing, key of E, and repeat the last line to have an even bar). More to come...
from the imagination of Anonymous @ 9:52 AM,
1 Thoughts:
- At 10:09 AM CDT, Mark Brown wrote...
Congrats.... Found your site from Nanay, and I'm totally amazed.
I mean I am writing a poem every day, HERE
but it's a LOT tougher to do a haiku every day.
feel free to suggest a poem for me to write (topic, any name, and a feeling) at the Automatic Poetry Machine
Thanks in advance
Markb in nj