Life Moves
25 September, 2007
Everything so fast,
It is virtuous to be
from the imagination of Anonymous @ 11:04 AM,
2 Thoughts:
- At 6:30 PM CDT, Lisa wrote...
That is a good remider, Jacob. I try to remember to appreciate each moment with my kids so that when they're grown I don't say, "where did the time go?" I'll probably say it no matter what, though. [queue "Sunrise, Sunset" from Fiddler On The Roof]
- At 7:44 AM CDT, wrote...
I'm already saying that, and my kid's only two. She's going around the house taking little light up pumpkins off the coffee table saying, "I sole your Hadoween decorations!" Just yesterday, she was a lump of flesh crying to be fed.